The Collect of the Day
Almighty God, who gave such grace to your apostle Andrew that he readily obeyed the call of your Son Jesus Christ, and brought his brother with him: Give us, who are called by your holy Word, grace to follow him without delay, and to bring those near to us into his gracious presence; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The Psalms
96, 100
The Readings (from the Evening Office, BCP, p. 996)
Isaiah 55:1-5 + John 1:35-42
The Psalms
96, 100
The Readings (from the Evening Office, BCP, p. 996)
Isaiah 55:1-5 + John 1:35-42
Jesus turned, and saw them following, and said to them, 'What do you seek?' And they said to him, 'Rabbi, where are you staying?' He said to them, 'Come and see.'
John 1:38-39
"Evangelical" is a word that has come to have all sorts of connotations. Many people have negative associations with the word, often for good reason. But that is also tragic, for the word is inseparable from the gospel. In fact, the word comes from the Greek euangelion, which means "good news"--the gospel. To be essentially evangelical, then, is to believe and live the gospel. To be an evangelist is to seek to spread the word of that good news: "Here is life! I have found it in Jesus."
Andrew was evangelical in this way. He was also, apparently, what we might today call "a seeker." This evening's reading from John's Gospel tells how Andrew goes from following John the Baptist to following Jesus. And the first thing he does after becoming a disciple is to tell his brother about Jesus, and to bring him to Jesus.
At bottom, evangelism consists of this: bringing people to Jesus. That bringing will inevitably involve some sharing of our own story and experience of the word of life that God has put within us. But there is no one right way to do this, no formula or approved program. Speak what you know. Share what you have experienced. And pray for grace to bring those near to you into the gracious presence of Jesus.
Closing Prayer
"Evangelical" is a word that has come to have all sorts of connotations. Many people have negative associations with the word, often for good reason. But that is also tragic, for the word is inseparable from the gospel. In fact, the word comes from the Greek euangelion, which means "good news"--the gospel. To be essentially evangelical, then, is to believe and live the gospel. To be an evangelist is to seek to spread the word of that good news: "Here is life! I have found it in Jesus."
Andrew was evangelical in this way. He was also, apparently, what we might today call "a seeker." This evening's reading from John's Gospel tells how Andrew goes from following John the Baptist to following Jesus. And the first thing he does after becoming a disciple is to tell his brother about Jesus, and to bring him to Jesus.
At bottom, evangelism consists of this: bringing people to Jesus. That bringing will inevitably involve some sharing of our own story and experience of the word of life that God has put within us. But there is no one right way to do this, no formula or approved program. Speak what you know. Share what you have experienced. And pray for grace to bring those near to you into the gracious presence of Jesus.
Closing Prayer
Lord Jesus, thank you for the life we have in you. Help us to be both courageous and sincere in sharing the blessing of your life and presence with those near and dear to us, that the word you have implanted in us may be ever growing. Amen.